The trainer has a medical background and is completely aware about body's functional aspects normally and in stress or illnesses. The trainer is completely aware of 'mind body'complex behaviour pattern, sleep patterns, affecting the feelings and behaviour of an individual thereby affecting the productivity of an individual. The nervous system causing blocks in mind and body, stirring up the emotions and actionson day-to-day basis causes person to use ones senses in inappropriate manner, not leading to productivity by an individual to his fullest. Therefore, to correct this and balance this, to get completely groomed, to enhance one's internal and external beauty and become a completely transformed new person, wherein the process, 'mind-psyche-behaviour'complex is used. KOSMI Advocacy , is specially trained to easily accomplish this through lots of experiential and research work done during one-to-one consultation and practice sessions. KOSMI Advocacy presently is working on Indo-Western fusion of Graphology and soon coming up with special meditation techniques and simple breathing exercise, so as to relieve from stress or negativity within no minutes. Using Ayurveda's ideal standards of Yoga, Meditation, Chakra-Kundalini-Aura and science of Alphabets and the modern science of 'Mind-Body-Psyche' complex, KOSMI Advocacy, is soon awaiting to procure new therapy for positivity to self and cosmos, both.