Is an age old very unique technology which is use as a Therapy for any kind of issues in life, specially for Illnesses (Body, Mind, Spirit & Soul level). This Unique healing modality now introduced by Kosmi Advocacy.
Body has its own Phenomenon, Technic and Process of working. Some processess are voluntary, some are involuntary (Beyod our Control). Each process has its Mechanisum and Frequency assigned to various systems and organs in the Body. When this Frequency and its vibrations are disturbed or are in stress, it replects as a desease. Desease means Disturbance in Easiness (Stress) both at Body and Mind Level.
In "Shiv Shabd Naad", various Sacred Sounds are used to Shift/Alter the disturbance or Issue in Life. When this Sacred Sounds are pronounced in a perticular manner, for the particular period of time, they create a huge set of vibrations that affects the various systems. These Vibrations uniquely shift the internal Energies. This unique and Sacred Principle is used to treat the Desease/Disstress/Illness/Issue in Life.